2 Types Of Irrigation Systems To Consider For Your Home

If you have a green thumb or just want to keep your lawn looking its best, irrigation is a must. But with all of the different irrigation system types and setups out there, it can be tough to know where to start. 

This post outlines two of the most common types of irrigation and what features each has to offer.

Drip Irrigation System

A drip irrigation system is one of the most efficient ways to water your plants. Here, a network of pipes delivers water to emitters, which release a small stream of water directly to the base of your plants. The system delivers water directly to the roots, where it's needed most. And because less water is lost to evaporation, a drip irrigation system can save you money on your water bill.

Drip irrigation systems are great for:

  • Plants that need consistent moisture
  • Gardens with a mix of plants that have different watering needs
  • Watering during the hottest part of the day, when evaporation is highest

A drip irrigation system is an excellent option if you're looking for a low-maintenance and efficient irrigation system. In addition, these systems can be installed above ground, below ground, or as a combination of both.

Above-ground systems are less expensive and easier to install, but they are more vulnerable to freezing temperatures. Below-ground systems require more effort to install but offer better protection from the elements. It all depends on what your needs and overall conditions are.

Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

A sprinkler irrigation system is a common irrigation system type that uses above-ground pipes to deliver water to a series of sprinklers. The sprinklers then release the water, which irrigation experts refer to as "runoff." Runoff is the water that does not soak into the ground and is therefore lost to evaporation.

Sprinkler irrigation systems are great for:

  • Lawns that need consistent moisture
  • Watering during the cooler hours of the day to minimize evaporation

If you have a large lawn or garden, a sprinkler irrigation system is a good option. These systems can be customized to fit the specific needs of your lawn or garden. They are also relatively easy to install and maintain.

However, one downside is that these systems can use a lot of water, so they may not be the most water-efficient option. But you can offset this by installing a water-efficient irrigation controller. This type of irrigation system is also known as a "smart" irrigation system because it uses sensors to detect moisture levels in the soil and then adjusts the irrigation schedule accordingly. 

Contact a local landscaping service to learn more about irrigation system installation.

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packing your produce from the garden

Harvesting all of the produce that you have grown during the growing season is a lot of work. If you fail to do it in time, you will lose all of that good food to the animals, and the food will rot. So what can you do with all of that produce to ensure that it stays good for days, weeks, months or even years? My blog is all about different ways to pack, freeze and can the produce that you have grown during the year. You will find all sorts of recipes and ideas that you may find easier than what you have normally done to preserve your produce.
