What Are You Looking For In A Spool Trailer? Different Types And Features

A spool trailer is a spool trailer, right? Actually, there is more to this type of trailer than initially meets the eye. There are different types and features of spool trailers, and you may be surprised at just how different they are. Even if all you need is a spool trailer for winding up large irrigation hoses or conduits to safely send electrical wiring into the fields for nighttime lighting on your farm, you will find that different spool trailers provide more unique solutions to your needs. 

Basic Spool Trailers (Configurable)

Configurable spool trailers at first glance look very basic. It is a spool bar rigged to two wheels and a trailing hitch. However, you should not allow their basic appearance to fool you. These trailers can haul up to several tons of cable or hose and often many more feet than the larger gooseneck trailers. Their only real drawback is that you will have to manually crank in the hose or whatever else you have on a spool because there is no electric winch or engine to aid you. 

Gooseneck Spool Trailers

If you have the space to store one of these trailers, you may find it more helpful than a basic, configurable trailer. It is loaded with its own electric engine for drawing up whatever you unwind from the spool. The power is taken through the trailer's connections to your work truck or tractor hitch, but it will not draw so much power as to drain a truck's or tractor's battery for the short duration of operation to draw up everything back onto the reel. You will need a proper gooseneck connection in your truck or tractor before you invest in one of these trailers, but the convenience of not having to stand in your field with a field hand and crank the spool manually is worth it. 

Multi-Spool Trailers

These trailers are more or less for carrying multiple spools. Think of them as something similar to car haulers. There are lots of spots for hauling a specific item, but they only haul. In this particular spool trailer's case, there are spool poles sticking up off the back of the trailer at intervals. For every spool pole, you can load and carry another spool. Buying this type of trailer would allow you to carry and store multiple spools of hose and place those spools close to the field when needed. 

Look for these and other ESP spool trailers online. 

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packing your produce from the garden

Harvesting all of the produce that you have grown during the growing season is a lot of work. If you fail to do it in time, you will lose all of that good food to the animals, and the food will rot. So what can you do with all of that produce to ensure that it stays good for days, weeks, months or even years? My blog is all about different ways to pack, freeze and can the produce that you have grown during the year. You will find all sorts of recipes and ideas that you may find easier than what you have normally done to preserve your produce.
